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Ferro silicomanganese

Ferrosilicomanganese is a ferroalloy whose main elements are iron, silicon and manganese. It is used as a ladle additive during steelmaking to provide silicon and manganese, which act as oxidizers and alloying elements.
Ferro silico manganese 2
Ferro silico manganese 3

Ferro silicomanganese: Ferro silicomanganese is a ferroalloy that contains iron, silicon, and manganese as the main elements. It is used as a ladle addition during steelmaking to provide silicon and manganese, which act as deoxidizers and alloying elements. Ferro silicomanganese has a lower carbon content than high-carbon ferromanganese, and it can improve the properties of steel such as strength, toughness, hardness, and abrasion resistance.

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Weight = 3T, Grading = (5-30mm)

Unit Number Fesimg-10
Si 43.44
Al 0.930
Ca 1.13
Mg 5.79


Weight = 2T, Grading = (5-15mm)

Unit Number Fesimg-19
Si 45.42
Al 0.99
Ca 1.12
Mg 6.25



Weight = 10T, Grading = (5-30mm)

Unit Number Fesimg-29
Si 43.37
Al 0.91
Ca 1.26
Mg 5.73